Interactive 3-day event to help entrepreneurs move forward with confidence + clarity to attract + enroll the clients they deserve.

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What To Expect

[ Connections, Collaboration, Content + Offer Strategy ]

Day #1) Claim Personal Power in Your Messaging
Learn how to gain visibility + authority by claiming who you serve and the solution you offer.

Day #2) Clear + Compelling Offers that SELL
Create clear and concise offers that sell themselves (zero convincing). 

Day #3) Done-for-You Content Strategy 
I'm gifting you my EXACT lead magnet funnel that works for *any* offer. It's GOLD.

Q+A with expert panelist & chance for hot seat coaching!

I Want In!

What Your Ticket Includes

When you Register, snag your Gifts!

#1) 10-Page Compelling Offer Workbook
#2) Done-For-You Social Media Content Strategy
#3) Replay to the 3-day training
#4) Private Attendees Facebook Group
* You could meet your next referral partner, client, or bestie! 

In my coaching experience, I've worked with 100's of entrepreneurs. The two greatest areas for revenue growth for most coaches and consultants are practicing these two things, daily: 

#1. Realign
Soul's Mission to Content Strategy
#2. Refine
 Messaging to Attract Hi-Caliber Clients

It's common as entrepreneurs we FORGET why we do what we do and WHY it matters to those we SERVE. 

My job is to guide you in remembering and harnessing that energy and excitement the same day you decided to CHOOSE this work!

This is where our marketing is most magnetic and resonates with our ideal audience.

[ Detach + Attract ] 

Buy Ticket Here!

What My Clients Say

We Stand for

Liberation, time-freedom, and true self-express

Femininity, flirtation, and fun in life + biz

Authenticity + vulnerability + integrity

Love + Leadership
Buy Ticket Here!

What Folks Say Attending My Events

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About Your Host

Hey, I'm Tiff!

Former corporate gal turned holistic business + leadership coach for high-achieving coaches, consultants, and executives.  

From 2014-2021, I climbed the corporate ladder winning multiple sales awards like rookie of the year, the $200K sales club, and #1 sales producer.  

I mentored dozens of new hires, who received multiple sales awards, promotions, and accolades at the company.

At the office and on paper, I was successful. 

But, on the inside I was burnout, exhausted, and ready to quit. I felt empty.

I didn't understand, why my corporate success required such personal, energetic, and spiritual sacrifice. 

So I decided to invest in my personal healing. I hired coaches + therapists to guide me in finding myself and my TRUE purpose.

I cried. Healed. WOKE UP.

I wanted other executive women to feel this 'ALIVE' as I did, without giving up our hard-earned careers and income.

So I started a women's leadership circle in 2020; that’s where my coaching journey began. 

 Today, coaching women in business to breakthrough the fluff & biz burnout cycles to tap into WHO WE ARE is my passion + purpose.

It lights my heart and soul on FIRE.

Guiding women to recover from masculine paradigms that promote burnout & competitive work environments & breaking our integrity to seal the deal..

 Is life changing for me and my students.

When you join me at my events, you will step into  your personal power that’s poised, attractive, and naturally attracts hi-vibe clients on repeat.

No more icky sales tactics, burnout, or breaking integrity to do business.

I am honored to see you soon!

Join Us + Register!

Client Testimonial Video


Who Typically Attends These Events?

Financial coaches
Marketing & website design consultants
Public relation executives
Mortgage consultants
Real-estate agents
CPA’s & bookkeepers
Menopause/midlife coaches
Relationship coaches
Diversity & inclusion leaders
Social media marketing coaches
Trauma-recovery coaches
Construction & Trades
MLM product consultants
Healing & spirituality & christianity coaches
Health & diet & fitness coaches
Virtual assistants
Maybe you ;-) 

Yup, I want to be there too!

Are Men Welcomed?

Absolutely, YES!

My coaching career has primarily focused on women who low-key struggle with self-doubt, burnout cycles, and anxiety promoting their products/services. 

But truth is, many men tell me they experience similar feelings. I've had the honor to work with men privately to break-through these cycles and boost their marketing efforts. 

Ultimately, if you're a coach, consultant, or digital creator that is looking to gain visibility by BEING YOURSELF + SERVING your clients...

Please purchase your ticket and join us!

I will show you what's already inside of you to attract, enroll, and retain high caliber clients on repeat!

Join Us + Register!

Why is This My Last Event of 2024?

Truth is, I am pregnant!

David and I expecting a baby boy in October and I'm prepping for motherhood. 

This 3-Day Event is my last BIG hoo-rah to offer the world before maternity leave in September. 

When you register and purchase a ticket, it means so much to our family.

This was always my dream to leave my corporate sales job and do what I love working from home.

When you choose to purchase your ticket and join me, I roll up my sleeves & get to work to deliver YOU RESULTS.

My promise to you, when you complete this 3-day experience, the workbooks, and the homework...

You'll walk away with confidence, conviction, and a done-for you plan to attract, enroll, retain HI-VIBE CLIENTS ON REPEAT.

I'm Ready- Claim Seat Now!